We undertake independent and funded Research Projects related to various types of Organization and a huge variety of Sectors, primarily to advance our collective understanding of Human Resources Management and Organization Development.
While a good part of our research surface as published articles in well-known Journals and Magazines, some of it ends up as a confidential report on a client’s desk.

Organizational Research
Whatever your Organization Type – Cooperative, Small & Medium Business, Mid-Size or Large-Size Corporation, Multinational, Not for Profit or Governmental Agency, we have a few pieces of insight that you will love.

Sectoral Research
Having worked with clients in as many as 40 different Industry Sectors, we have a ringside view of what goes on in your Sector. Clients have relied on us not just for specific competitor information but also broad sector-specific dynamics.

Regional Research
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a Google Map like version of the various Organizational, Employee and Regulatory snarls you may need to cross before you really land at your favorite regional destination? We try and do something as ambitious, when Clients wish to know something as specific as the talent situation in God’s Own Country or identify the zones of labor unrest across the Subcontinent.

HR Best Practices Research
Our Consultants have worked in as many as 60 different HR Practice Areas – from Campus Recruitment to CEO Learning & Development, and have a Best Practice or two to share in each. However, our Clients aren’t leveraging them fully since they ask us to share Best Practice info in only a handful of areas.

Some Samples
We know people treat Research as junk – especially, if its free! But we do value our work. Here’s an indicative list of the type of work, we have picked up:
- Examining Group Dynamics in a Community of Practice comprising over 107 Small and Medium Business Owners in Maharashtra
- Exploring Organizational Structuring Trends in 21 Organizations representing 5 distinct Industry Sectors in India
- Documenting HR Best Practices in Indian Organizations that have highly limited or hardly any HR Workforce
- Evaluating Line Manager Perceptions of the HR Department at over 10 different Power PSUs (Public Sector Units) in India
- Analysing Annual Reports of the Top 500 Companies listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange for traces of Human Capital Reporting
- Developing and Evaluating Critical Financial Ratios to study Manpower Investment trends in leading Indian companies in the Pharma Sector
Why Consider Your HR Buddy Research Services ?


