All our Human Resources & Organization Development Solutions are bespoke and developed as a response to the following 4 basic needs that Organizations have: Culture, Capability, Systems, Performance.

Employee Engagement & Organizational Climate Surveys
It’s one thing to survey Employees in an Organization, discover how Satisfied/Engaged they are and totally another, to do something about it. Our Employee and Organizational Climate Surveys not only help you to arrive at a comprehensive diagnosis of your situation, but also offer you an elaborate and completely practical solution roadmap to tidy up things, so that the next time your run your survey, you do not run into the same reports.

Competency Mapping - Role, Department, Organizational
Like it or not, your Organization’s Performance is fueled by Employee Competencies. Our Competency Mapping services help you to identify the type of Technical/Behavioral Competencies critical for a specific Role, a particular Department/Function, and even the entire Organization. What is more – we also integrate your discovery into all your HR Processes to ensure you become a “Competent” Organization.

HR Audit
When an Organization undertakes an HR Audit, it receives an unprecedented opportunity to evaluate the HR Function from a multitude of angles. Having reviewed various HR Functions for a wide range of Organizations using benchmarked approaches, we know from experience, how an Audit can directly lead to dramatic improvements in HR Policy, Process, People Capabilities and actual Practice.

Performance Management System - Design/Re-Design and Implementation
Like it or not, the way an Organization handles Employee Performance Management can have a strong bearing on Employee/Organizational Behaviour and Performance. Our Performance Management solutions leverage our extensive experience in planning, monitoring, reviewing, evaluating and rewarding Performance – at the Employee and Organizational levels.

360° Feedback Surveys
If there is any one OD tool that raises Employee self-awareness levels, and spikes heartbeats and pulse rates as well, it is a 360°. Done right, you gain an opportunity to transform your Organization. Our 360° survey-based leadership interventions are pre-loaded with just those bells and whistles that guarantee a soft take-off and a smooth touch-down for everyone.

Assessment and Development Centres
It is kind of common for Employees to be assessed on a range of Competencies, during the course of their Employment with any Organization. Our Assessment & Development Centre solutions make this process robust by leveraging a highly-experienced pool of Assessors, scientific Centre Design based on principles endorsed by the International Congress on Assessment Center Methods, meticulous execution and most importantly, sensitive handling of Employee Feedback.

Organizational Design & Workforce Planning
If you think you can cook up an Organogram the way you rustle up your favourite fast food, you may wish to pause a while. Our Organizational Design and Manpower Planning Services begin with a close examination of your Business and Operational Strategy and end with sound workable Structures and Forecasts that are based on a large number of ingredients – including the most important one: People

Executive Coaching
A much harried and over-used term, “Coaching” is today in search of Coaches who can improve perceptions about the field. Our Executive Coaching services support individuals who wish to change critical behaviors that derail their development. We strongly believe that all of us can change a bit provided we find purpose, passion and a little bit of success from the small or big c
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